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The Heyday


Hong Kong

2015年於24小時快餐店認識Angel,聽她細訴年輕時外號「油麻地徐小鳳」,在廟街一帶有好些「粉絲」,近年雖患病但她歌聲依然嘹亮,可惜不願看醫生的她漸見憔悴。 / 攝:雷日昇

In 2015, we met Angel in a 24-hour fast food restaurant and listened to her story about her past nickname "Tsui Siu-fung of Yau Ma Tei", and she had many "fans" around Temple Street. Although she was sick in recent years, she still has a resonant voice. However, she is unwilling to see a doctor and has gradually pined away. /Photo: LEI Jih-sheng

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